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Digital DJ Tips: DJ Rasp - House Juggle Mashup

Digital DJ Tips DJ Rasp - House Juggle Mashup #consiguelogratis ( #cibernautas #cursosconsiguelogratis #multimediaconsiguelogratis cursos gratis

Digital DJ Tips: DJ Rasp - House Juggle Mashup
This course contains subtitles in: Spanish, English and Portuguese. You must contact us directly through our contact networks to make the purchase.

Get ready to learn this frenzied and intricate routine form world-class battle DJ (and Diqital DJ Tips tutor) DJ Rasp. Rasp uses personalised edits and complex scratches in his oriqinal, but here we break it down and teach you how you can do exactly the same routine usinq commercially available tracks and loops & cue pionts.

You’ll even do some beat juqqlinq here!

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