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The Hyperbits Masterclass (15GB) +Subtitles

The Hyperbits Masterclass (15GB) +Subtitles We’re a small collective of music producers and educators that have made music our life

The Hyperbits Masterclass (15GB) +Subtitles

Sound as good as your favorite artists in as little as 8 weeks, with live mentorship sessions for life, up to 50% off industry plugins & software, and do it all without:

➟ Wasting any more time on YouTube
➟ Spending 5 to 6 figures on an Audio Degree
➟ Relocating to a new city or country

We help you produce radio-ready music that sounds as good as, or better than your favorite artists, without having to waste your time on Youtube.

Even if you are short on time and work a full time job, or are a full time student.
Even if you struggle to finish music with consistency and regularity.
Even if you have yet to achieve one single professional mix and master.
Even if you don’t have a signature sound that makes your music unique and stand out.
Even if you are overwhelmed and frustrated with no idea as to how to progress.
Even if (or especially if) you want to grow a fanbase, charge for your production services, create professional music, and do what you love with confidence and technical precision.

We’re a small collective of music producers and educators that have made music our life. We love collaborating with hungry, like-minded producers who share a similar growth mindset and strive to create the highest quality music imaginable.

We’re not here to help you imitate cookie-cutter music that mimics the latest trends, our goal is to cultivate and encourage art that is timeless and pushes creative boundaries. Plus, we’re artists first, who just happen to be great at teaching, so you’re in good hands. See for yourself...

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- Pagos con: PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo
- Pagos con: Criptomonedas: BTC, LTC, ETH, DASH, BCH, TRX, DOGE
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$ 12
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